Masters NSW AGM Awards
On the 6th May Suzie and Lexie attended the Masters NSW AGM, where Campbelltown were awarded the following awards.
- Average Points Certificate – awarded to the club with the highest average points within the MSNSW Branch Pointscore. We were the winners in Division 1. To give you an indication of how big this is..we were up against clubs like Warringah, Wett Ones, Tuggeranong and Blacktown who have a larger member base than us. All those carnival points definitely add up.
- Aerobics Trophy – awarded to the club with the highest total points for the endurance (E1000) program.
- Sue Johnstone Trophy – presented to the club winning the average point score calculated over all the two day carnivals in a calendar year
We also collected our E1000 towels for those members that completed the program in the 2022 year.
Congratulations to everyone for making our club a great, friendly and supportive place to be.